
A layout is a visual map. It instructs the various artists on a scene where the characters are to be positioned and how they are to move. The timing of the scene and individual character movements will be indicated on the dopesheet. Other instructions can also be included on the layouts such as notes for lighting and special effects.

The drawing below is a simple layout for a scene. The movement in the scene will comprise of the character behind the desk writing and a character entering from the right carrying a tray, walking from right to left across the set and then turning right towards to the desk. The set comprises of a static background image, the static books and the two animated characters. The characters will be animated independently of each other and brought back together along with the background and the books when the scene is composited.

Image of Layout composition

  1. What is Production?
  2. Production Roles
  3. Drawing Guidance
  4. Act the Part
  5. Dopesheet
  6. Layouts
  7. Walk Cycle
  8. Line Test
  9. Ink and Paint
How to use this Tutorial